1978 Cessna Turbo U206G

1978 CESSNA TURBO U206G • $249,900 • PRICE REDUCED • N756UJ, TT 5216, Engine 1430, Prop 532, Garmin GMA 345 Audio panel with 3LMB and intercom, Garmin GNS 650 Color IFR moving map GPS/Com, Garmin G5 #1, Garmin G5 #2, Garmin GTX 345 Transponder with ADSB in and out, Flightstream 210 bluetooth connectivity, King KX 170B analog 760 channel Nav/com, King KI 209 Glide slope/VOR/Localizer indicator, King KN 62 digital DME, Davtron digital VOR display, Fuel scan 450 fuel flow computer, EDM 711 Graphic engine monitor, Dual yoke mounted drilled push-to-talk buttons, Remote ELT arming panel, Outside air temp gauge, map lights, Electroluminescent panel,SEE COMPLETE DETAILS HERE • Contact Mark Pilkington - SKYWAGONS , Broker - located Placerville, CA 95667 United States Telephone: ---------- • Posted March 20, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images