CHALLENGER. NO, IT'S EXCALIBUR • CHECK IT OUT • If Challenger had all our features they would be called Excalibur. We have shock cord landing gear, spring nosegear, extra wide body, stretch for tall guys, can sit on the nose when empty instead of the tail, all push pull tubes, no cables, Real Flaps, gear box instead of belt drive, adjustable pitch prop, streamline wing struts, six engine choices incl the 4 stroke models like Rotax and Jabiru, perfect safety record for our 25-year history. Customer support 7 days a week. 863-471-0099 • Contact Tom Karr - EXCALIBUR AIRCRAFT , Owner - located Sebring, FL 33876 United States Telephone: 863 471-0099 • Posted March 11, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images