Thank you for visiting BARNSTORMERS.COM, aviation's busiest marketplace. We hope you will visit often. Here you will find hundreds of testimonials received over the years from buyers and sellers. YOUR testimonial is welcome, too! Please Submit a Testimonial

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"Hi Baroness... I want to thank you for working with me over the past few months. I appreciate everything that you have done to help me with the banner and classified ads since I began advertising. My business is VERY good, and your website is one of the primary reasons for that. I check my website stats frequently, and Barnstormers is always the primary referring URL. Again, thanks for everything. I intend to run a banner ad on your site for a L-O-N-G time!" - Dennis Carley - U-FLY-IT ULTRALIGHTS, Ltd. -
Lancaster, Ohio, Usa - 12 Apr, 2002
"I just found this site and I placed my first ad. I think I am going to like it. I had my ad in 1 day and I received a call. WOW! Thanks." - Joseph L. Mancini -
Winter Haven, FL, United States - 10 Apr, 2002
"Dear Barnstormers: Thank you very much for your site. It has given me the access that I needed to start my own bussness. I buy, refurbish, and sell old classic and hard to find airplanes. It is just now starting to pay for itself and I get to do what I love to do (work on and fly airplanes). Many thanks to you and everybody who made this site possible, it has changed my life. I'm forever in your debt." - Kevin Mays -
West Liberty, Kentucky, Usa - 03 Apr, 2002
"Hello to the Baroness! I just want to tell you how much I love this site. I think it is as strong a factor in general aviation as anything can be!! It keeps things going and opens the door to many people who have an interest!!! Keep up the good work!! You are the best!!! Thank you for everything." - Brian Story -
Noblesville, Indiana, Usa - 31 Mar, 2002
"My aircraft has sold, thanks to your site. Please provide me a mailing address via e-mail and I'll send a contribution to you. 90% of the calls I received were a result of your site!" - Chip Gibbons -
Rogers, Arkansas, Usa - 29 Mar, 2002
"Hey, Baroness... I know you're snowed under with all the work you have to do, but I want to take the time to say "I love you" for what you do for all of us! Thank you from the botttom of my heart and landing gear! Ha! You're the greatest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for such a wonderful free site! Without you, we would all still be bound to anticipating Trade-A-Plane's next month's issue! Thank God that's over! Ha! Ha! Truly grateful...." - Bill Haddan - DREAM WEAVER AVIATION -
Richards, Missouri, Usa - 28 Mar, 2002
"Barnstormers is great. Got 2 calls on my 150 in 2 days." - Firefighter Tim Andrew -
Naugatuck, Connecticut, Usa - 25 Mar, 2002
"Thanks to BARNSTORMERS I have found my project... a Drifter :) For real, 2 days after posting my ad, I have a Drifter in a uhaul and a really big grin :)" - Thomas Bell, Airplane Nut -
Indianapolis, Indiana, Usa - 22 Mar, 2002
"What can I say, THANK YOU SO MUCH...... You are doing a job of all jobs. With LOVE." - Chuck Webber, Owner, President - RLFS, INC. -
Livingston, New York, Usa - 15 Mar, 2002
"I have very expensive ads in Trade-A-Plane and I have had 15 responses from your site and none from Trade-A-Plane ads and it has been in there three weeks. Good Job, Barnstormers!!!" - Mike Williams, Owner - MIKE'S HANGAR -
Columbus, Indiana, Usa - 14 Mar, 2002
"Has T-A-P cried "Uncle" yet? ( they will ! ) I used to advertise in Trade-A-Plane but NOT ANYMORE!" - Jon Aldrich, Owner - ALDRICH ANTIQUE AERO -
Groveland, California, Usa - 14 Mar, 2002
"I saw this web site last week. Put my first ad on... selling my airfield here in the State of Washington cheap because I'm moving into town at a house I already own. This web site will see a donation for my use. This is a good way to do business as a lot of folks don't have the extra money. I have already received an offer on 20 acres there. Thanks." - Ron Parcells -
Waterville, Washington, Usa - 13 Mar, 2002
"A friend told me about your site and I put you in my favorites for future use. Don't need anything now. Just logging in." - Bob Brown -
Mcalpin, Florida, USA - 11 Mar, 2002
"Thanks to Barnstormers, my antique aircraft engines were sold to a buyer who I would never have reached if it were not for my ability to advertise on this website. I have also received a significant number of replies to other ads, both for my personal stuff and the stuff I am selling for the charity I work for. Barnstormers has gone from a "neat thing on the internet" to an absolute business necessity. and should be as lucky to have the impact in their market that Barnstormers does for airplane people. I encourage all of "the usual suspects" here to sit up and take notice (financially) of just how important this place has become." - Bill Berle -
Pacoima, California, Usa - 11 Mar, 2002
"Love ya too Baroness... and if I sell it, will send you another check. Love your site. Tis better than buttered grits ( also called Southern Ice Cream )." - Don Elliott -
Taylors, South Carolina, Usa - 10 Mar, 2002
"Baroness, I just made a donation via credit card. I have yet to actually purchase anything off Barnstormers, but it has led me to people and businesses. So, I still owe it to you. Thanks for the great web site and venue for our passion. Hope to meet you someday. Best regards." - Charlie Largay Jr. -
Miami, Florida, Usa - 09 Mar, 2002
"I have sold my 1946 Commonwealth Skyranger 185 aircraft with your assistance. I had many inquiries from this ad and sold because of this listing. Many thanks." - John Ausley -
Mesquite, Texas, Usa - 06 Mar, 2002
"Sold my Ercoupe wings in no time. What a great deal Barnstormers is! Thanks much (and I sold them the second day the ad ran). Thanks again." - Willy Arnold -
Rimrock, Arizona, Usa - 05 Mar, 2002
"Thanks to the Baroness Again! I advertised a couple of handheld radios one morning on your site and they were sold before I could get off the computer! Literally! I was answering the phone while still on Barnstormers!" - Andrew Corsetti -
Pembroke Pines, Florida, Usa - 03 Mar, 2002
"Miraculously, in the last week, I have not one but two offers on my antique TIGRE engines. Both came from Barnstormers. Furthermore, I purchased these engines from an ad on Barnstormers originally. As promised, as soon as I consummate my deal with one of them I will be sending a check in support of your server fund, or for whatever purpose you deem appropriate. The same will hold true if I have high enough offers on my Cessna and sell it. Barnstormers has all but replaced any of my advertising in Trade-a-Plane's print edition, and generates the vast majority of my responses from all other online advertising put together. Astounding achievement." - Bill Berle -
Pacoima, California, Usa - 03 Mar, 2002
"You got the best ever website on the planet!!! I tell everyone about it and I bump into people in the strangest places that know about Barnstormers (Tenn, Tex, Ala)! Whatta they know about airplanes down there yall? Thanks for all your hard work." - Ron Rounds -
Lake Havasu City, Arizona, Usa - 02 Mar, 2002
"Baroness... I can't thank you enough for having your site and keeping it up the way you do. You can count on my monetary thanks each time I place an ad. It may not be a lot of money but what you do here is terrific. Thanks again." - Steve Cowell -
Denver, Colorado, Usa - 28 Feb, 2002
"Your web site does the aviation community a great deed!!! Most talked about web site I know of. Keep up the great work..." - Captain Blye Chehock -
Duluth, Minnesota, Usa - 25 Feb, 2002
Johannesburg, South Africa - 22 Feb, 2002
"Your site is fantastic!! Just spent the past half hour looking around. The 'Boneyard' brought back many memories for this old/young 70+ yr old pilot. I'm flying an old Mini Max Ultralight, but will be looking for a 2 seater soon." - Quenton Wood -
Geneva, Florida, Usa - 22 Feb, 2002