Thank you for visiting BARNSTORMERS.COM, aviation's busiest marketplace. We hope you will visit often. Here you will find hundreds of testimonials received over the years from buyers and sellers. YOUR testimonial is welcome, too! Please Submit a Testimonial

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"THANK YOU. I got a call while I was trying to put the pics in -- only about 5 minutes after entering the ad. Talk about results!!" - Allen Bellamy -
Charlotte, North Carolina, Usa - 20 Jun, 2002
"Hi Baroness! You're the greatest and WOW WHAT A SITE! Trade-A-Plane who?" - Gene Smith -
Social Circle, Georgia, Usa - 19 Jun, 2002
"Was very pleased to meet the Baroness today at Dart Field. Nice lady!" - Jim Nohlquist -
Mayville, New York, USA - 14 Jun, 2002
"I placed three ads so far and each time I got a reply within 24 hours. What a great site. " - Joseph L. Mancini -
Winter Haven, FL, United States - 10 Jun, 2002
"Hey Baroness! You have a great web site! I've been using it for probably two years. I've met many nice people, and purchased good stuff, reasonably. You have truly made a great contribution to Aviation, and the way we do business. As the immortal Rodney King once said "Can't we all get along?" Your web site proves that if we're all in it together, it's better for us all. I hope this web site continues, it's a great testamonial to a well thought plan, and someone who is obviously a good person. Best Regards." - George T. Gilby, President - NORTH COAST FLYERS, I -
Cleveland, Ohio, Usa - 09 Jun, 2002
"Baroness! Do you have any idea how much trouble BARNSTORMERS has gotten me into???? Well, I was mapping out the categories to place ads for my business when I came across Mark Higgin's sale ad for a RANS S-9 Chaos. Well, after renting a trailer and driving 22 hours, it's now in my garage where this little "hangar queen" is going to get tons of the TLC she deserves! She's a beauty, aerobatic, and now she's mine!! (VERY BIG SMILE!!!) I told my wife that if I ever had a mistress, she would have wings! ...just had to share ...all thanks to BARNSTORMERS!!!" - Marty Snow - EAGLE FLIGHT SAFETY PRODUCTS -
Rochester, New York, Usa - 05 Jun, 2002
"Greetings from the heart of Europe. I like your page very much!" - Carsten Fank -
Essen, Germany - 02 Jun, 2002
"One day this Air Force Fireman is gonna fly! Take care and thanks for the informative stuff!" - Karl Wiegand -
Fussa City, Japan - 28 May, 2002
"Thank you very much for this wonderful service! This is the ONE best aircraft trader web site on the internet! I have watched this site develop over the last 5 years and have found it a remarkable resource for information and parts. Thanks for your continuing efforts to develop Barnstormers Classified Ads!" - Ross Anderson - SKYLINE CONSULTING -
Woodside, California, Usa - 28 May, 2002
"Barnstormers produces significantly more responses than does a similar ad in Trade-A-Plane." - Mike Knefley -
Ulysses, Pennsylvania, Usa - 28 May, 2002
"Thanks for helping me find the Narco MK-II Omnigator I've been searching for! Someone's old stuff is someone else's collectable treasure!!" - Jim Hackman -
Tempe, AZ, Usa - 27 May, 2002
"Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu Ihrer hervorragend gestalteten Internetseite " - H. J. Kesselring -
Mainz, Ppl, Germany - 24 May, 2002
"Just found your great web. Yours sincerely Peter" - Scandinavian Wheelchair Aviators Ry -
Helsinki, Finland - 20 May, 2002
"You are by far the BEST aviation site on the internet. Basically, YOU RULE! Thanks for all the hard work." - Wings Over Water -
Brentwood, Calif, Usa - 17 May, 2002
"I placed an ad and got a reply within hours. Wow, what a deal. Thanks Barnstormers" - Joseph L. Mancini -
Winter Haven, FL, United States - 15 May, 2002
"This is a great website. It is easy to use and free to advertise aircraft and parts. Great job Baroness !!!" - J. Robert Berendt III, C.E. -
Irvine, California, Usa - 01 May, 2002
"I tell everyone I know about your site. I think it's the greatest thing to happen to aviation in a long time. I know it has helped me. I enjoy just looking through the ads and dreaming. One day I will buy a plane from one of your ads. That's a promise. I'm already working on one (ssshhhh, not too loud)! I wish you the best and God's love." - Greg Massey, President Of PRA Chapter 62 -
Houston, Texas, Usa - 29 Apr, 2002
"Your web site is absolutely superb. Thank you for offering such professional services and doing it with passion. I am launching my business and it is a chance to benefit from your support. In the near future I would like to contribute to your development, please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information about the aviation in Europe. Thank you again, and by the way Barnstormers is a fantastic name! Well done again, I must say this is the best aviation ad site I have seen and had the pleasure to use so far! Best Regards." - Jean-Marc Youkhana, Managing Director - AVIATION N -
Southsea, United Kingdom - 27 Apr, 2002
Liverpool, England - 23 Apr, 2002
"GREAT SITE! Like no other place on the planet!" - Jerry Wright -
Cornelia, Georgia, Usa - 22 Apr, 2002
"Just wanted to say thanks for your help. I got more hits from the ad on your site than all other ads, combined (that includes Trade-A-Plane)! Thanks a million!" - Adam Stratton -
Jackson, California, Usa - 21 Apr, 2002
"GREAT" - Peter -
Charlwood, Surrey, England - 21 Apr, 2002
"You could be a millionaire if you charged all of us for this service. You are a generous one-of-a-kind lady, Baroness. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Yep, I dropped 30 years of business with TAP, too!" - Greg -
Angier, North Carolina, USA - 18 Apr, 2002
"I acquired a large batch of what appeared to be rebuilt Solar T62-32 GPU turbines from the local DRMO sale, and SOLD THEM IN ONE DAY WITH OVER 100 RESPONSES TO MY AD!!! Thank you BARNSTORMERS!!!" - Jon Anderson - ODDPLANES -
Anchorage, Alaska, Usa - 18 Apr, 2002
"Hi Barnstormers!!! You have a new friend!! I can not believe the response I received!! GOODBYE TRADE-A-PLANE! Thank you." - Timm Gabrielson -
Darwin, Minnesota, Usa - 16 Apr, 2002