1979 Beechcraft King Air C90

1979 BEECHCRAFT KING AIR C90 • CALL FOR PRICE • 1979 Beechcraft King Air C90 N844C, AFTT: 12,433, RE: 553.9 SMOH (3,600 TBO), LE: 5,268.7 SMOH on MORE Program (8,000 TBO) with O hrs SHOT, McCauley 4 blade props, Prop 1: Overhaul due Feb 2026 or in 3347 hrs, Prop 2: Overhaul due Feb 2026 or in 3948 hrs, Garmin GTX 345R , Garmin GNS 400W, Honeywell Radar ART2000, Honeywell KDR510 Datalink, Midcontinent GPWS Annunciator, Honeywell KMD 850 MFD System, Honeywell KAC 501 (Weather Radar), KAC 502 (Terrain module), KAC 503 (FIS module), KAC 504 (Traffic module), 10,485 LB Gross Weight Increase STC. Call now for more info! • Contact Darryl Riddell - SOUTH DELTA AVIATION, INC. , - located Fayetteville, AR 72701 United States Telephone: ---------- • Fax: ---------- • Posted February 27, 2025 • Display Specs Page • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images