1987 Turbo Beechcraft F33A

1987 TURBO BEECHCRAFT F33A • $335,000 • PRICE REDUCED • N7254E, TT 2395, Engine 692, Prop 470, King KMA 24 Audio Panel with 3 LMB, Garmin GNS 530W color IFR moving map GPS/com with WAAS, King KX 155 digital flip/flop 760 channel Nav/com, King KI 208 VOR/localizer indicator, King KCS 55A Slaved HSI with Flight Director, BF Goodrich WX 10A Stormscope, King KR 87 digital ADF with BFO, Garmin GTX 345 Transponder with ADSB out, Avionics master switch, Intervox four place intercom, Digital timer, EDM 800 graphic engine analyser, Remote annunciator panel, King KFC 150 Autopilot (Fully coupled), Outside air temp gauge, Electric trim,SEE COMPLETE DETAILS HERE • Contact Mark Pilkington - SKYWAGONS , Broker - located Placerville, CA 95667 United States Telephone: ---------- • Posted March 11, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images