No Ego Aerobatic/Warbird

NO EGO AEROBATIC/WARBIRD • TRAINING AVAILABLE • Why keep paying your hard earned money to instructors who just want to tell you about the time they flew inverted, on fire, with no seatbelt on, through a mountain pass, while saving a puppy from a well? We're a flight school that operates a SOLO RENTABLE Extra 330LX, Pitts S2B, Legend Cub, Pitts Model 12, L29 Delfin, T6 Texan, and a Cessna 140 at our location at KARR. We can help teach you in your L29, Extra, Waco, Pitts S2/Model 12, Yak, Sukhoi, Stearman, Extra, Gamebird, Super D, Skybolt, RV, Eagle, blah, blah, blah. We leave our egos at home. You fly in the PIC seat on flight #1.VISIT US HERE • Contact Jared Sebesta, CFI - GAMBIT AVIATION , Owner - located Sugar Grove, IL 60554 United States Telephone: ---------- • BUSINESS CARD •  Posted March 7, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images