Warbird / Aeronca

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1942 USAAC L3B WARBIRD PROJECT • $20,000 • AGE FORCES SALE • Airframe: wire brushed to bare metal and painted with Polyfiber epoxy primer. Covered and painted with Polyfiber materials. All Plexiglas is new and greenhouse restored. Cabin upholstery not done. Needs lift and jury struts (have mfrs. drawings). Engine: overhauled as A&P project. New rings, bearings and seals. Valves refurbished. Magnetos magnets recharged and engine run in with 100LL. Need propeller and exhaust plumbing (have mfrs. Drawings). Wings: Refurbished main spars with Polyfiber epoxy varnish. All ribs made new and painted with Polyfiber epoxy varnish. Needs covering. • Contact John Mock , Owner - located Fullerton, CA 92833 United States Telephone: ---------- • ---------- • Posted March 23, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images
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