TurboProp / Mitsubishi

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1981 MU 2 MARQUIS • $845,000 • FOR SALE • Hard as we try to keep things the same LIFE GOES ON. I have been the chief pilot on this wonderful airplane for 15 years but the owners have decided to sell the airplane. 7300TT 1900 hr motors, Hots due at 2500, overhaul due at 5000. fresh inspection, Recent paint, windshields & windows,Garmin 530W, 345 txp, ADSB weather and traffic, Digital VP color radar, SPZ 500 A.P.with vertical speed and ALT preselect Props due June of 2027. NO KNOWN DAMAGE, complete logs, always US registered. OUTPREFORM a KING AIR 200 at half the price, Ask the man who owns one THE MU 2 SAFETY and PREFORMANCE CALL NOW • Contact Bill Austin - BILL AUSTIN'S AIRCRAFT SALES , Broker - located Sparta, TN 38583 United States Telephone: 615-406-1055 • Posted February 27, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images
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