Salvage / Recovery

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AIRCRAFT GROUND TRANSPORT • AVAILABLE • Aircraft Transport Services via truck and Trailer. We specialize in aircraft disassembly and transport. We understand some aircraft are being parted out. We also understand many of these aircraft will be repaired. When an aircraft will be repaired, all cables are labeled , all hardware bagged , electrical unplugged or traced back and pulled. Even when the planes going to be parted we bag and label everything. Our team moves 2-3 planes per week all over the US. With 4 trucks , plus semi truck we have you covered. Big and small we move them all . Give us a call we would love to talks planesVISIT MY WEBSITE • Contact Kristin Bearce - BRASS LOGISTICAL SOLUTIONS, LLC , Owner - located Johnson City, TN 37601 United States Telephone: 407-361-6853 • 689-261-7597 • Posted March 23, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images
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