Equipment / Machinery

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EXPERIMENTAL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT • FOR SALE BY OWNER • I have been building experimental aircraft for 24 years. It is now time to let someone else have that opportunity. Items for sale: 8’ break with a 3.2 radius, (can also bend other radiuses). 52” Shear. 32”x32” press for die forming or hydra forming parts. Bar bending press for making front wheel forks. Riveting tools and equipment. Various forms and dies, mostly for Zenith aircraft. Many parts, saws, routers, air tools, hand tools. Very nice Bridgeport milling machine, and a 12”x36” lathe with a lot of tooling. Also, a Miller Matic 215 welder with aluminum spool gun, like new. • Contact Bernard Knox , Owner - located Wooster, OH 44691 United States Telephone: ---------- • Posted February 9, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images
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