CubCrafters / Float Plane

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1982 PA-18 SUPER CUB • $275,000 • FOR SALE BY OWNER • Super Cub-180 Pa18 1982 Complete Cubcrafter rebuild in 1999, 695 since rebuild. 1200TT 695smoh 180hp O360, McCauley prop 695 since new, Wipaire 2100A with gear advisory, 2100# upgross STC, 61 gal fuel, VG's, BC spin on filter, Sky-Tec starter, Tanis engine heater, ADSB-out, Altee Dodge folding front seat, Side access door, Steve's gasoclator, extended baggage with dogleg brace, 3rd seat STC, Cubcrafters wingtip and extended ailerions, brake booster, Cubcrafter instrument panel, Text Aaron 218-201-0652 275,000 or offer • Contact Aaron Peterson , Owner - located Warren, MN 56762 United States Telephone: ---------- • Posted March 6, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images
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