RV4 Rebuild Help Wanted

RV4 Airframe Rebuild Help Wanted. Paint prep. Some engine & Prop install plus wiring and systems required.
She won lots of awards & Sun & Fun races in the late 90's & early 2000's. Center & Aft Fuselage & Empennage were undamaged.
Nice heated work area and benches. Most tools. Epoxy floors and good lighting.
Lyc O-360 A1A was torn down for prop strike inspection. No damage found. Parts replaced per best practices. Prop was rebuilt.
Legs & engine mount, legs, brakes, many small parts were replaced. Epoxy primed them all. Legs have been vibration dampened.
Old Photo, Early in Rebuild. Structure and sheet metal at firewall was repaired. Damage from large side forces in a ground loop.
Need to re-install the wing tanks & rig control surfaces.
Wing sheet metal, fiberglass tip repairs were made. Wings, empennage, control surfaces off and ready for paint at a local shop.
Must finish Wheel Pants, Leg Fairings, install & prep for paint. Make new Brake Lines. Axles, brakes, bearings, wheels, are done.
Engine mount, legs, brakes, many small parts were replaced. Epoxy primed them all. Leg vibration dampers done.
Canopy Frame needs sheet metal & tubing repair.
Lyc O-360 A1A was torn down for prop strike inspection. No damage found. Parts replaced per best practices.
Ground looped into the sand and tall brush - engine just freewheeling out of gas. This was six months before I first saw her.