2001 Classic Searey

2001 CLASSIC SEAREY • $29,000 • FOR SALE • Rotax 912S 1489 TTSN, Warp Drive prop 137 SN, Garmin GNC 250XL GPS/Comm, GTX320 Transponder, May 2024 Annual. Cleveland Wheels and Brakes, Scott 3200 tailwheel, Differential toe brakes for both sides like a real plane (few Seareys have this) Tanis engine heater, Electric trim and flaps on both sticks. Whelen strobes, Carbon Fiber C Hull in good condition. Premium rigid frame seats with lumbar support, 3 point harness, 2013 fabric in good condition, "A" Hydraulic gear, 18 gal fuel, Empty weight 880, Gross weight 1370, One owner for 22 years, I fly this plane so hours will increase. • Contact Jeff Arnold , Owner - located Dublin, VA 24084 United States Telephone: ---------- • Posted March 20, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images