Turbine Glasair III

TURBINE GLASAIR III • $400,000 • AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE SALE • Turbine Glasair III. N321PH Total time 800 hours. Exceptional Glasair with full IFR Panel. 450HP MD250-17BF Allison Turbine. Reversing Propeller. 83 Gallons fuel. Cruise 270+ at 20GPH at 20K with ease. Still climbs strong at 26K. 3000 FPM climb rate, Cruise climb 160KTS 1800FPM up to the high teens. STEC 60 autopilot, GARMIN 400W, Dual King KX155 Navcom, Avidyne Transponder. 340 Garmin audio panel. ADSB out. ADSB in. Dual G5’s coupled to 400W. Mountain High O2 system (single pilot good for 5 hours+). G meter, Second vacuum driven Artificial Horizon flight director. Matco Upgraded brakes. • Contact Tommy Stoneman , Owner - located Friendswood, TX 77546 United States Telephone: ---------- • Posted March 14, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images