RV4 Rebuild Help Wanted

RV4 REBUILD HELP WANTED • REBUILDER WANTED • Cedar City, UT. Finish the RV-4 rebuild in a nice heated, lighted executive hanger. Need an expert RV builder to: *Connect engine systems, *Reinstall and rig wings & empennage, *Brake lines, *Wheel pants and leg fairings fiberglass, *Canopy frame repair, *Final prep for paint, *Overall wiring and systems check, *Test flights. Repairs about 90% done. Already completed: Engine inspection, all structure and sheet metal, prop rebuild, legs & engine mount, fiberglass repairs, most paint prep. Probably two to three weeks total for the right guy. Will be painted by local shop. • Contact Buck Steele - ROCK OPTICS , Owner - located Cedar City, UT 84720 United States Telephone: 435-233-8561 • Posted March 13, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images