Vans RV-4 Kit to Finish

VANS RV-4 KIT TO FINISH • $53,500 • FOR SALE AS ONE LOT • RV-4 partially completed.Wings complete,unattached.LycomingO-320E2D pickled Cessna 172M.$23K Adv.Avionics 6600 with ACM. Eng Monit harware!list in pics.All NEW.WAY over $14K new parts,new carb,fuel pump,Emag,FlyLED lights.0 time fact O/H prop/w spin,new bolts.Seats Oregon sheepskin w/5point crow,fetterman SS.Prop,engine,and build logs.Need hanger space for other plane. selling WAY WAY less,if purchased same parts today over $87,740 worth NOT including the engine and many, many years of build time!stored in Factory boxes.deliver avail. All hardware nuts bolts rivets to complete, turn key! • Contact Scott Tomlinson , - located Lillington, NC 27546-8259 United States Telephone: ---------- • Fax: ---------- • Posted March 21, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images