PA 25-260 PAWNEE BANNER TOW • GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE • 8 PA-25-260 PIPER PAWNEE'S from AERIAL BANNERS,INC 31 yrs of PA-25s BEST banner/glider tow AIRCRAFT in standard category 2 new bird dogs 1 fresh build new frame fabric wings 0 smoh. 1 fuel injected, all are FAA 75gal fuel tank, air-care ex, climb prop, ext wings droop tips, custom triple positive lock release system, wing ad stc, completely rebuilt using Piper fuselage JIG and sparing no expense. engines built by the world famous Mike Thurman, We see well over 3500 SMOH. More PA-25 parts than anyone in the world. PROJECTS PA25 2 SEAT, BIRD DOG W/AUX TANKS, PA-18, C182 W/O550 9548160806 BobVISIT MY WEBSITE • Contact Bob Benyo , Owner - located Pembroke Pines, FL 33023 United States Telephone: 954-816-0806 • 954-893-0099 • Posted February 25, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images