Cessna 421 Parts - non prop st

CESSNA 421 PARTS - NON PROP ST • PARTING OUT • 1968 Cessna 421A, 3,207 hours TTAF - GTSIO-520-D, 1085 & 754 hours TSO Non Prop Strike engines with McCauley 3AF34C92-PR props with 341 hours TSO. Garmin MX480, MX-20, SL 30, GMA 340, GDL69A WX Rec, GTX-330 ES ADSB, STEC-65 Auto pilot, G-4 Insight Eng monitor. Very nice interior with leather seats. RH MLG failed in hangar and collapsed on RH wing, prop did not hit the ground. Wings cut off, aircraft not to be returned to service. Willing to sell airframe parts as complete package. • Contact Matthew Atton - GLOBAL AIRCRAFT INDUSTRIES LTD , Owner - located Kelowna, BC V1P 1K5 Canada Telephone: ---------- • BUSINESS CARD •  Posted March 21, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images