2005 RV7A

2005 RV7A • $76,000 • FOR SALE BY OWNER / BUILDER • 2005 RV7A, Serial#71012, Aircraft total time 449.2 hrs, Engine time 222.9 hrs-Subaru 2.5 3rd gen Eggenfellner, Prop time 449.2 on mt 3 blade constant speed blade/electric, Useful load 575 lbs. Avionics- GNS 430/GPSMAP296 Backup, Dual battery/Bus/Fuel pumps, Exp Bus DC Load Center, GMA 340 audio panel, Garmin SL40 VHF Comm/760 channels, Trutrak autopilot w/alt hood, Eggenfellner version E1S 2000, Ray Allen electric trim, PTT on left and right stick, dimming on steam guages, GTX w/traffic, Class C-PL 7707-Aug 25th, 42 gals total. Mother of Pearl w/blue metal flakes paint. Always hangared. • Contact Bill Hughes , Owner - located Burlington, WI 53105 United States Telephone: ---------- • Posted March 12, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images